Is it normal that I am so ANNOYED by my 7yr old son Im home all day with him and he just DOES NOT EVER shut the hell up. Even when he ain’t talking to me he’s talking to himself out loud that we can all hear it. I put him in his room for ten mins so I can finally get some peace. He is so damn frustrating every five mins he wants me to look at something or do something and I’m losing my fucking mine. several times I slipped and said just shut up and leave me alone for ten mins and he calls me mean and says I hate you after listening to him for fucking hours and that just makes me see red when he says I hate u because I do EVERYTHING FOR HIM. For example I could be playing guitar hero on Xbox 360 just to pass time and he will be in the other room playing fortnite on Xbox one. As soon as he sees me playing he wants to play so I let him I set it up he plays and I go play fortnite and he gets mad cuz he wants to take up both systems he just wants to play and doesn’t want me playing. My kid annoys the hell outta me and I’m getting very depressed I have no life I can’t clean my fish tank without him in the room blasting music begging me to come play a game I’ll tell him gimme ten mins and he will just sit there and bug the shit outta me until I do what he wants I can’t fucking take it anymore what do I do????