Anonymous on []( says:

There is an insurmountable male-female divide on this question; it is impractical for women to pee in sinks and therefore much easier for them to turn the activity into sour grapes or to find reasons to disparage the practice. Consider, however:

1. It is ecologically sound: far less water is needed to flush the contents of your bladder down a sink than down even a low-flo toilet.
2. It is not messy: the height of most sinks and the fact that they are not filled with water, like a toilet, minimizes splashing. You can usually suspend the dispensing end of the apparatus fully over the sink, which means no drips on the floor.
3. It is hygienic: urine is sterile in anyone who does not have an infection.
4. It is convenient: when you need to go, you are 2-3 times likely to be in proximity to a sink as you are a toilet.

I expect that most men who live alone, and many men who live only with other men, take advantage of this life hack. It is not a moral question.