Over the course of 10 years of playing, I’ve had 4 rs gf’s that were confirmed to be real girls. First one we used to talk on the phone and train cooking together. She pretty much met a guy irl and went with him instead of me at the time. 2nd one was much later (thought for a long time was a guy honestly but did finally confirm over phone she was a girl) she couldn’t love herself so she never could have loved me too. 3rd girl was soon after, we met irl and hung out for about a week but we had way too many differences so we broke up. Finally, 4th girl I had aged enough in maturity and relationship understanding that all problems were able to come to a solution. Once we met irl, it took probably less than 5 minutes, and there was almost no difference between the way we were online compared to real life. We’ve been married for 3 years now, overall together for 7 and have a family now lol. I never really sought any of these girls out which is probably why they ended up actually being girls lol. I was just always in the right place at the right time I guess. I figure I was meant to go through all of it because without all the other lessons I never would have been prepared for my wife 😛