If you want to arrive within the close vicinity of my residence then I will make an attempt to locate you and I will likely run towards your location and I will take out my M60 Machine Gun and will force the gun to discharge bullets in your direction through the process of putting my right-hand index finger on the part of the gun commonly known as the trigger next I will apply force on the trigger which will cause the hammer to rotate forward to hit the firing pin. This will then cause the firing pin to hit the primer cup which contains something known as primer compound the result of the firing pin hitting the primer cup is that it causes the primer compound to explode which in turn cause the propellant within the case to be ignited as a result of the primer compound exploding. This bullet will then travel down the barrel of my M60 Machine Gun at a velocity of approximately 2800 ft/s. These bullets are to make contact with your body causing you fatal bodily harm and the way I aim my M60 Machine Gun will cause the bullets to not hit your legs or feet. My target area will be the upper parts of your body mainly the head. The reason that I want to aim for your head is that bullets that penetrate the head area of the body tend to have a higher chance of resulting in a fatality. This is the reason that people commit suicide with guns through a shot in the head instead of chest. Based off of the evidence provided I don’t think you would want to arrive in a close vicinity of my residence as it is of high probability that you might end up not being able to maintain homeostasis. This will also bring large amounts of emotion in the form of sadness to people who you had some relationship to or were close to, such as your family, and close friends. Next I will empty out the waste in my body through the process of urination and will leave the waste products on a location that is your memorial or site of burial. Based off of this it is clear that you do not want to attempt to conduct forced transaction of items within my home.