Breakfast is labeled as the most important meal of the day, but there are a lot of cereals to choose from. Look at all these different choices you have to make. Holy SHIT
Cinnamon toast crunch is a top favorite cereal among kids. And what makes it so awesome is that every bite is loaded with tons of cinnamon. Now the cereal has taken some dramatic changes over the years, and if you look at the front of the cereal box today you’ll see only one baker. But did you know they actually started with three bakers. Back when the cereal was first released the commercials featured three bakers, who sat around and made cereal all day. Now the three bakers where named Wendell, bob, and quello. Quello what the hell kind of a name is quello, that name is about as complicated as saying Mr. mxyzptlk, what the hell. So yeah there where three bakers at one time, but now only one remains how come. Well as time went on the baker named Wendell slowly became the comedic relief in all the commercials by acting goofy and crazy, so he was the most popular of the three bakers, and general mills then decided to kill off the other two. Since then no one has ever seen or heard bob and quello again, so the question remains was it really general mills who did them in, or was it old Wendell himself. Face it: breakfast is ruined.