Guys, I’ve read all of JBP’s works and sifted through his 4,643,278,592 hours of online lectures, and I can, fundamentally speaking, tell you this: His words are constantly held out of context and must be studied laboriously and consistently in order to fully actualize him. The problem with the Western World these days is that the men are becoming untruthful and irresponsible, thus playing into the Jungian Archetype of the “Man-Child” like Peter Pan, which will eventually lead into the disintegration of masculinity and even purpose. This of course, will coincide, again, fundamentally speaking, in the destruction of all human life. Woman do not want a little boy who can’t clean his room, or sort himself out, or become a hero of his own destiny. They want a man who can pick them up off of their feet, save them from the dangers of Post Modernism and Neo-Marxism, and vanquish the dragon. I know this to be true because I saw him three times on Joe Rogan’s podcast, and Joe Rogan is the man of all men. He bow hunts, eats his own elk with avocado and jalapeno’s, conquers his ‘inner bitch’ with kettlebell workouts and commentates on the UFC. If that’s not a man, then please, rip my balls off right now and hand them to my lost forgotten father, Todd, who never could amount to the supreme hierarchical status of Professor Peterson. Now, I’ve never really had sex (other than the sin of masturbatory acts towards Online Amputee Pornography once or twice, of which took (and could continue to take) me farther away from my self-authoring goal of becoming fully responsible in my actions, thus making me a full fledged MAN!), but I envision that it’s probably a sacred and completely respectful enterprise of which is holding out for me in the horizon. I mean, I still have time to find the love I know Peterson’s rules can bring me, as I’m only 32, but as my great Internet Paternal Master claims: “The world is dark and full of chaos”, so I must strive with every ounce of my being to steadfastly reach my objective. But because of my precious moral standard in following the rules of truth and responsibility from Peterson, I must refrain from having sex with the woman I will find for at least “4 dates” because that is the set truth to stop my internal/dark and evil desires to rape and do icky things that are not of value to God’s (or JBP’s) standards. Evil is within all of us, and we will never know our full capacity as men until we confront that evil, so I must punish myself with Big Boy Ham Spankies everyday until that evil withdraws out of me into a celestial and material form that, fundamentally speaking, will symbolize my previous inabilities to act as the man I wish I was. Yet, when I accomplish that remarkable feat, I know that I will find love (hopefully a love that is high in agreeableness, so that she can do whatever I want, and further make me appear as the Big Man Alpha of the relationship, so other Soy Boys will notice me when I walk with a ‘straight, shoulders back’ posture beside her through the Cheesecake Factory, and they will bow down to me in almighty fear as they should, for my teachings are superior and above all other Man-children!). And that love will be able to sustain my high intellect and masculine/responsible/truthful/non-corrupted/non-resentful self. It WILL happen if I just follow the teachings of “12 Rules for Life'”, “Maps of Meaning”, and the bounty of online wealth that has been presented here on the Internet to help strengthen my life. That is something that none of these bitter, resentful peasants on the YouTube comment section will ever understand because they are not equipped to be strong and defiant in the face of nihilistic self-doubt and personal turmoil. No. They will never understand. But I will! Ohhhhh, yes, I will! For my father claims so, and my father is my one true God. My… Sweet Daddy Peterson.