Hey this is andrew tate the top g influencer I have reached out to you to let you know about the secret agents the matrix is sending after me. I do not have much time as they are sending at least a thousand after me from all over the world. However YOU can prevent this if you follow my advice and my ways then you shall be powerful enough to defeat the matrix goons like me. As for how they look, they’re look alikes. Middle aged, short and wearing black glasses. They’ll be easy to spot as they possess certain extraordinary facial features as well as psychological features that I’d prefer not to get into. I’m typing this from the romanian national prison and I do not have much time as I stated earlier. My top gs, you are the only ones powerful enough and worthy of escaping the matrix. Don’t let your worthiness go to waste and work towards the supreme truth. I have to go now since my brother Tristan is here. Goodbye.