Okay, but do you know who changed the fucking game?


That motherfucker led a nation through the Great Depression, and he led the US through most of World War II
On top of that shit, he was elected 4 goddamn times, because people fucking wanted his goddamn great leadership
America was all “Ooh FDR senpai, please give me more!” And ol’ Frankie gave every bit of him.

“The guy was only president for 12 years though. That doesn’t add up!” But it does when you find out FDR died of a stroke on a fucking private resort in Georgia. Like a fucking baller.

The guy would have gone for as many terms as he had years. The guy died on top. He had polio when he was young, so he did all of this shit WHILE WHEELCHAIR BOUND.

Fucking hero said a big “fuck you” to the Great Depression and a bigger “fuck you” to Hitler, then he fucking dies and lets Harry Truman become President and get some credit, because he’s chill like that.