I am so sick of seeing people attack Google. Evil this, evil that, privacy cry babies wahh wahh wahhh.

Some facts: Google saves lives. Google is given to us for free. Google is progressive and brilliant. Google is, not arguably, the greatest company this world has ever seen.

You ask Google something, it tells you the answer, every single time. You need to talk to someone, it allows you to do that. It opens doors that otherwise would be closed.

Google is closer to God than any fake God ever dreamed up by evangelical right wing monsters. I can pray to Google, and they answer. I am alone, and Google can be there with me. I don’t know what to do in my life, and Google can guide me.

It is everything for people, and Google asks for nothing in payment, unlike the “church”.

The greatest minds this world has ever seen are all in one place, making the greatest products this world has ever seen, saving lives, revolutionizing transportation, internet access, medicine, and yes, even curing death.

Stop worshiping your false Gods and look to Google if you need something in life. You and the world will be much better off for it.
