/r/teenagers is a cesspool of bad.

The entirety of Reddit was not designed for an infrastructure of edgy teenagers. It was designed for intelligent discussion and a combination of some excellent parts of general social media. Unfortunately, the upvote system bred awful life into the Reddit ecosystem. Upvoting is a general practice I refuse to partake in, because frankly it’s idiotic. If the entirety of Reddit agrees with something then I shouldn’t have to go with it. The karma system only fosters mass agreement and karma-whoring.

I do, however, downvote. I will never downvote another opinion, I will downvote when you make a post like this fucking one on /r/teenagers. Posting that you want awards blatantly is an abuse of the system. It’s also not fucking smart, you’re just surrounded by idiots. This has nothing to do with teenagers and I’m frankly shocked that these people (who obviously have money to pay for this, their families are upper-middle class) have chosen to celebrate this post.

Unacceptable behavior from a subreddit. This should have been removed immediately, but unfortunately the mods do not care. This is why a broad subject such as teenage life is not appropriate for Reddit. Your brains are not even fully developed, what makes you so sure you can run a community of 1,800,000 MILLION FUCKING PEOPLE?!

Why? Why do these people chase for karma? It’s a fictional number on a computer screen. If they need validation then at least take the effort to study the human mind and mess with heads. I think this quote by /u/Shaper_pmp sums up the website:

>Because they’re boring, and they post boring, bland content and they make the communities they’re part of boring as a result.
>People are interested in genuine personal opinions and controversial positions, but those are inherently divisive *and conversation-stimulating*.
>Karmawhores aren’t posting to start conversations, or to express a genuinely-held belief or position, or because they think a piece of content is important or significant – the aim is always to maximise the amount of upvotes they get and minimise division of opinion, so they just post safe, boring, uncontroversial, lowest-common-denominator content that challenges no-one (ideally says nothing) and provides little opportunity for interesting conversation.
>Think hard about who you’d rather be stuck in a lift with – someone with idiosyncratic, quirky or eccentric opinions that they genuinely believe in and that you can have a good conversation about… or someone who takes no position on anything, refuses to state where they stand on any issue and just says whatever they think you want to hear so every conversation just ends with them agreeing with you the minute you bring up a topic.
>Genuine people with genuine opinions are interesting. People obsessed with chasing popularity are inherently boring.

It’s abstentious and there is no resolution to this. These people have refused to make themselves satisfied. They are fucking sinners and I believe Hell has a spot for these people. There is nothing that can ever make them worthwhile and the hunt for attention, will ironically, lead to them getting karma. Just not instantaneous nor fictional.

This is not the attempt of “cringey kids”. These people are so blatantly obvious with their nonchalant attempts for attention, not even me (as one who legitimately screws people over when I don’t get what I want) can respect these people