Bing is excellent for porn. You can get a previews for most videos and when you click to open a video the related videos at the bottom are usually really spot on. I swear Bing weights porn results higher than normal videos in search. If you turn off safe search completely and search for anything that could be remotely construed as porn, the results are all porn. I could spend my entire “session” just on A lot of times what I’ll do is start on Bing, find the video I want and follow the link back to Pornhub because unfortunately PH’s search is kinda bad unless you are searching very broadly, and from there I can sign in to my Pornhub Premium account and watch the video in full HD/4K if available. Honestly not trying to brag about having Pornhub Premium, but I will say it’s one of the very few monthly subscription I have that I definitely get my money’s worth.

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