My wife and i have been together for 11 years since we were 15 and we’re 26 now with a beautiful 2 year old daughter.

This is real fucked so brace yourself.

In 2020 my wife was in another relationship from august-december, that entire time i had suspicions of her cheating i even told my family that i think she is, everyone reassured me she wasnt, because to everyone she was this real bubbly, nice and loving person but because we had been together so long i noticed small patterns such as: shed buy perfume and say “its for her to leave in her car as a back up”, she works night shift 10pm-6am working after mentally and physically disabled clients so between that and having a baby she didnt really have time for friends so shed cook extra dinner and tell me shes leaving the house at 7pm to go to work earlier and spend time with the girls at work, when ever i tried to kiss her shed give me her forehead and just a lot of other smaller things.

So in jan 2021 my brother comes over my house at 3:30am to tell me he found my wifes profile on a dating app and ofcourse i knew it was true and broke down crying, when she got home i confronted her and she said she was on there to find friends, at this point in time i had no hard evidence so i decided to stay around, to me it wasnt worth throwing 11 years and my daughter away.

Then i went threw her phone, i found photos of her with this other man, i found over 50 conversations she had online with random men all sexual in nature, so ofcourse i confronted her about everything and she admitted a whole bunch of other things and im just going bulletpoint these.

•she snuck him into our home and had sex while i was at work and our 4month old baby at the time was sleeping. •she took short 3-4 day holidays with him multiple times. •we were planning for a second baby and specifically a boy and she recommended a boy name “x” but “x’s” name was the name of the man she was cheating on me with. •she went shopping for my anniversary gift while with that man •as i mentioned above she would cook extra dinner and take it into work, that was a lie she was cooking him dinner and taking it to him. •she had 2 devices (phone and ipad) where she would have conversations with herself to manipulate me or her new partner (tht me and her were never married) or she would have conversations with her and “her boss” (asking her to go into work earlier), her and “her mum”, she had multiple email accounts and fake emails, multiple instagram accounts where she would fake conversations with her “friends” planning weekends away to manipulate me • when she did hang out with her friends she would take photos and hold them then send them to me when she was hanging with the other man to “prove to me she was with friends” ofcourse another manipulation tactic.

Im sure theres alot more things im missing because im kind of a mess and its alot for me to handle but i just needed to let it out, i posted this briefly about a year ago on another sub when i was feeling low and yet again i find myself struggling.

I also apologise, im not that good at articulating words.

EDIT***: a lot of people commenting leave her, i would like to clarify i left around a year ago and its been in the divorce stage for awhile id also like to point out a time line: baby born march 2020, she started cheating august 2020, jan 2021 is when i found out about her dating profile thats when i didnt leave and decided to stay because i felt like it wasnt enough to throw everything away, feb 2021 is when i found everything else out and left.

Also the baby is mine i did get a paternity test, $800 for one that is useable in court.

Also thank everyone for wishing me and my daughter the best❤️