Welcome to fucking I will now show you fucking, a beautiful village situated on the doorstep of the Austrian alps. The villagers I’ve spoken to all share the same love for fucking, fucking may be enjoyed in various angles, straight forward,. from behind, standing up, or lying down, and last but not least, its very enjoyable in the air. Historically, fucking was most popular amongst men. but during the 20th century, women have also come to love fucking. One of the reasons being the growing of fruits and vegetables, such as bananas, cucumbers, and perhaps corn. Behold the fucking church of course catholic, with the priest currently away taking up a missionary position in Congo. Here we have the fucking school, where the fucking children learn everything there is to know about fucking. In German(So you go to school together?) (yep). I must say I more and more enjoy fucking children, they really are really polite and so innocent. And this is the special fucking farm, where if you spend enough you can rent your very own fucking horse, oh look at the black one, such a stallion, beautiful animals. And here, a woman who prefers fucking outside, with the family dog. And I was lucky enough to meet the town mayor, Commonly known as “the Mother Fucker”. If you’re looking for the deepest fucking experience, I recommend this hole right here. Start with putting two fingers in, if possible use your entire fist, in summertime you can actually go elbow deep it is a bit dirty and it smells quite peculiar but afterwards you’ll reap the rewards of feeling this fantastic fucking soil. And that was all the fucking we had time for. Make sure you’ll stay tuned also next week when we’ll be visiting, Suckadick. A rural village in the Czech republic. This has been Nicola Ram reporting for NRK, bye bye.