If you banned videogames, here’s an ACCURATE representation on how it would go.

Day 1. People with guns would come in homes, saying “**GIVE US YOUR GAMES NOW, THEY ARE NOT ILLEGAL**” and about 1,000 would be killed in each country

Day 2. Boredom… Its raining, and will be raining for a long time, and now people do not know what to do. Their mothers say “Come play with your Legos” so they do.

Day 3. The kids are playing with Legos too much, making dangerous things with them, so the mothers take them away before they do anything dangerous with them, now the kids have NOTHING to do…

Day 4. Some people are committing suicide because “Hell is more fun than this” and many people follow along in agreement.

Day 5. The population is decreasing fast, many people blame it on “[r/BanVideoGames](https://www.reddit.com/r/BanVideoGames/)”, anti-game protestors, and what we gamers call “Karens”

Day 6. Kids are told to play outside, since the rainstorm has stopped, but more suicides have been committed, since they now have access to more things that are harmful, and some people walk suspiciously into alleys with other people

Day 7. Some people are told that hackers were able to find out where some of the anti-game protestors lived before the game ban…

Day 8. **Panic starts…** The people that walked into the alleys were people that had a very bad life, and took their anger out on online people, but since there are no games… Mass shootings have occurred, and the hackers join them, so now they are heading for the homes of the anti-game protesters and others…

Day 9. Half the population has been wiped, so everyone has had no choice but to UNBAN VIDEOGAMES…

**Think twice before you say videogames cause violence**