This is the most beautiful thing I have ever read.

Every writer, at one point in their life, wonders to themselves, “Will this be my magnum opus? What if I’ve already done my best? Do I have no room to grow as a writer?”

You, my good sir, have reached this point. I don’t mean that in a bad way, no, far from it. This is the best thing you have ever written, not because you are a bad writer, but because it simply outclasses everything in existence.

1984? Rubbish. Fahrenheit 451? Who the hell cares? The Odyssey? Complete shit.

But this…

This story is an absolute masterpiece. Simply wonderful. Its characters are likeable and memorable, and their endless struggles tug at the heartstrings at just the right times. The epic conflict that builds up from beginning to end is enthralling.

You are a God among men. I salute you for your creative prowess, and I hope that my stories may one day be able to reach one-tenth of this one’s timelessness.

3/10, would read again