Hear me out:

For those who don’t know it, bring it on is a movie that is about cheerleading. In the movie we see both female and male cheerleaders – male cheerleaders in a movie filmed in the 90s? Interesting right? But it goes further….

In the movie, the male cheerleaders are made fun of by the two school bullies. Typical right? However, the two school bullies are painted to be losers, jerks, and not popular kids – overall they are painted in a really negative light. What’s the purpose of this? Maybe to show that making fun of male cheerleaders isn’t cool.

Bring it on came out in 2000 – and election year I might add. Who got elected in 2000? George W Bush, a former male cheerleader.

What if bring it on was intentionally released in 2000, during a heated election, to make the public more amenable to having a former male cheerleader as the president of the United states? I think the forces at work could orchestrate this, and let’s be honest, we’ve seen them do crazier things.


EDIT: Bring it on is ALSO not on any streaming platform AND unavailable on Amazon to rent. Do you know that’s because they knew the country is looking for the truth in all the fake news so they are HIDING this?