I don’t really know why we have to stop at a ban, but ok. Seems like you can go farther.

I don’t think this goes nearly far enough. Not only that, but laws and the economics of enforcing them are not easy, we’ll really have to treat this as seriously as the problem is.

I also don’t totally know how we’ll deal with the international side of things.

I think we can just scan from foreign servers and just filter it all out.

We may have to slow the internet speeds a bit, but its a small price to pay.

Really a benifit if any digital parasites get through, since it will still decrease access.

If we could get no games world wide, thats awesome, but I’m really wanting to solve the import problem. Like, think of the drug war and the smuggling.

Now, if we could get a way of getting a law passed and enforced to jail everyone tries to provide one of these blood sucking chunks of data and put the VICTIM(and soon to be cult advocate) into therapy before they’ve been infected, that’s nice, but until we get that signed off on, I’m thinking of a step by step plan to solve arguably the worst problem our society faces.

Spreading the word is also key. I was skeptical when I saw the link, but when I saw rule 5, I started crying. Finally I thought. Also, way better than a lot of subs in general. The memes are a fresh topic, and decent effort, almost like someone who doesn’t video g*mes makes them.

If I saw someone else write a petition that I could trust to get it done, promoting this with my signature would make it less likely that g*mes are banned. 1 of these things has to dominate media attention, and I’m not wasting opportunity costs to not ban g*mes.

I care about the cause, so I have to suggest you put the actual legislation together.

I tend not to trust change.org to get anything done, but you’ll have more signatures if people don’t think its just a meme.

This would be complicated to enforce and even define what counts as a video g*me. No law will be done perfectly so you can perfect, but if congress took this shit up, they would be doing it themselves from scratch, and it would get watered down into a state profiteering regulation.

You need a plan for what to do when someone makes, sells and/or gets a videog*me depending on who you’re enforcing it on. If you’re going to just go after the corporations, then that won’t come close to solving it. Thank god flash g*mes are dead though. They might just be the worst of it.

We should also get more than the petition. Encourage someone to run for office with this as part of their platform. It may not be palatable, so if we have to keep it on the downlow, then we need some way of still holding them to their word. Any ideas are welcome.

I hate to say it, but I can’t sign on to this quite yet. I will 100% sign a petition to ban videog*mes after all the time the addiction has stolen from me, with no relapse for a while, but this ain’t it. Just the shit tier Among Us and Animal Crossing memes alone on this site is enough to get a massive portion of the site on board with this.

Some of the people I know are just spreading the virus. They laugh at this longheld stance of mine, but I’ll get to laugh in their faces if they can’t do their twisted deeds to themselves and others anymore.

Some of you may not know what its like to be morally degenerated by this menace, but I fear not for my sole after having had the time to read the word of the good Lord.

Ok, so because I want to get this done, I am going to want to try seeing if I can do some research for how to ban g*mes myself. I’ll reach out to a lawyer from a legal sub if I can.

If we get a law, and it doesn’t work, people who actually care about this won’t be celebrating and the donators will have been severely ripped off.

My suggestion is actually not an explicit ban, but rather a set of policies that makes it impossible to get Call of Duty disks and such into your home without licensing and more importantly, bankruptcy. If someone wants to buy a g*me, they can go on 5 year waiting period for a license. At which point, its denied about 5 times out of 6. That’s kinda shit if you ask me, but it can be passed. We can always take a mile after they give us an inch, but

Digital transactions are way harder. I think we can just ban g*mestores under the guise of Chinese malware suddenly being a huge issue on those.

The biggest thing though, is something that makes me really glad I started spending time on learning econ, instead of being a product.

Ok, so its all supply and demand, right? Well, the most retarded thing you can do for a market you want to see succeed is unreasonable price controls. We don’t want it to, do we? What’s unreasonable is letting there be digital parasites corrupting the youth, so just as a $100 minimum wage would cause massive unemployment, a $1000 price floor on any and all g*mes will help to destroy the market. It may sound like it would get more money to the blood suckers, but again, supply and demand.

This still leaves some issues. People could just get a big package deal and split it up.

That would be about 80% of the way there, because you would pretty much have to be a stock investor to do the transaction for a g*me.

People could multiply 54 GB for $60 a pop(assuming you have ) by 16.67 getting you um…

I’m having trouble with this, so I’m not even going to bother.

It doesn’t matter because you can only legally buy so much data at once.

Lets say, 20 gigabytes.

Someone demanding $1000 for that is far fetched. You would have to do a lot of investing to get any of this to a consumer.

People with with good intentions crash the system with price controls all the time.

The difference is that this is on purpose. We don’t need to pour money into this industry, so the economy on the whole will survive.

I don’t know how we’ll deal with independent coders just making games for themselves and distributing them within friend groups in black markets, unless we can get the public on board with locking them up. Still can never get all of them.

I can accept that, since they will be vast minority, and will lose the sway on the culture.

We don’t not pass laws against murder and such because a few get away.

Just banning isn’t even enough though. Unless we can seize every g*me and console and all that, then you’re just left with a scarce resource that people will be honored to enjoy and

If you think banning g*mes will get rid of the horrid impact on our culture, then well, I wish it were that simple. This is a great 1st step don’t get me wrong, but as long as people say gamers are the most oppressed group, and its not the truth, then we have a problem.

1 day I looked at the g*me time logged on Gears of War and I smashed my Xbox.

Shame works, but not everyone can provide it for themselves. It was only like 5 hours.

I got out lucky. Your family won’t. If you bought them a g*me, you didn’t just pay for it, you traded your kids for that good you demanded so much.