First of all, thank you for not swearing.

Second, how is this adorable? Ignoring the inanity and inherently inferior intelligence of the vast majority of ‘TikTokkers’, his friend disobeyed his orders, which is a shitty thing to do (no matter how intelligent or unintelligent the person you’re videoing is) especially if he’s a friend you trust enough to video you making as violently suggestive of pelvic motions as he was. I’m not even sure how his friend could be smiling – if I were watching that (as I watched from a 3rd person P-O-V here), I’d be cringing out of my mind

If I were his friend, I’d be concerned about him, and would probably refuse to even hold the camera for him without at least trying to persuade him to utilize his time better. So many people these days are just content to do silly dance moves the same way as a million other people have done before, and they think they’re somehow special, or well-liked.