I moaned and groaned as I scrounged around for food. Life in the city had been hard. Suddenly, I saw a handsome gentleman. I waddled toward him to beg for some food. But when I gazed upon the gentlemans face, very warm feeling coursed through his body. The same thing was happening in the gentleman as well. The gentleman stuttered “W-would you like to come to my house? You look like you could use a meal”. I eagerly followed the gentleman back to his home. The gentleman, whom I learned his name was Shrek put a steaming plate of slugs in front of him. I thought the food looked amazing, and yet I was not hungry. The warm feeling was overpowering me, satisfying my hunger. That warm feeling was inside of Shrek as well. It was so hot that Shrek decided to take of his shirt.
“I hope you don’t mind” said Shrek. “I’m feeling very hot”.
Seeing Shrek taking off his shirt made me even warmer. It incited a weird feeling. Shrek’s legs started walking to his bedroom. Shrek didn’t know why. I saw this and started unconsciously walking along with Shrek. Alone in the bedroom, I and Shrek were sweating. Shrek felt dizzy and fatigued. He collapsed on he bed. I collapses on top of him because of fatigue as well. I pressed my lips to Shrek’s, tasting salty sweat. Shrek, with his sweaty palms tried to grasp my belt in hopes of undoing it….
I closed his eyes as Shrek kept thrusting him. Shrek kept on hitting him hard, shoving himself so far up me it almost hurt. My torso ached from the weight of Shrek’s enormous ogre body almost puncturing my anus. My thighs were caked with Shrek’s onion semen by the time that Shrek finally collapsed in exhaustion.