Human meat tastes great, it is the best thing you will ever taste! It tastes like veal, but doesn’t have gamey or defined characteristics like goat, pork, or game meat! It does, however, taste “different” from all other common meats, and is hard to describe unless you have it.

Having said that, there are 6 main factors that affect the taste and texture of human flesh:

Cut of the meat: Just as with beef, certain cuts are fattier and more tender in texture, and others are leaner and tougher. Arm and leg muscles do most of the work, so those are tougher and leaner, whereas our chests, backs, and muscles surrounding the abdomen do less work, so the meat from those parts is more tender.

Fitness of human: A bodybuilder’s meat tastes and feels quite different (tougher) from that of a normal person’s which in turn is different from that of an obese person’s (more tender). We don’t experience even close to that variation from beef because animals for consumption are raised in standardized conditions with standardized diets.

Diet of human: The meat from someone who primarily eats animal products (such as Eskimos) has a stronger “meaty” flavor and tougher texture, whereas the meat of someone whose diet is wholly plant-based has a “sweeter” or “earthier” flavor, depending on relative ratio of grains and legumes (“earthier”) to vegetables and fruits (“sweeter”) in their diet.

Age of human: This should be obvious. Just as lamb and veal are more tender than mutton and beef respectively, a child is a lot more tender than an adult. And a young adult is relatively more tender than an old person.

Gender of human: As expected, flesh of female humans is more tender than that of male humans.

Ethnicity of human: Similar to how different breeds of cows in different countries have slight differences in taste and texture, the ethnicity of a human is also a factor in how said human tastes. Unfortunately, I do not have any experience in this regard to state anything with authority!

We have only looked at each factor individually. Now you can imagine how all the various factors work together to create hundreds of possible combinations! As an example, on the two ends of the spectrum we have:

Pectoral muscle steak from an obese vegetarian female child🤤

Leg muscle steak from an old meatatarian male bodybuilder🤢

The differences between the two are monumental, and in fact, if you eat both at the same time without knowing they come from the same species, you will think they are from different animals. The former is similar to a rare Kobe beef steak, and the latter is akin to rehydrated beef jerky!

In general though, a typical cut from a typical human tastes similar to veal.