I was vacationing on a deserted island east of Puerto Rico with my wife and two kids. I was searching for a hot spring to bathe in, when I stumbled on a small gathering of slightly smaller than average deer. I could recognize the difference in fur patterns because of my Ph.D. in ecology. This was a new species! I was so excited to have found an entirely new subspecies of deer, and couldn’t wait to tell my wife.

But something stopped me… as I turned to leave one of the deer snorted, and I became immediately erect. I turned around to see its glassy eyes staring at me, and my primal instincts took over. It felt so nice to fuck them, I couldn’t help myself. The only issue was that each deer would immediately drop dead after intercourse, but since it was an undiscovered species I didn’t think much of it.

This went on for days, until my wife found me plowing a deer in the pool. She yelled at me and called me an asshole, then packed up and took the kids back home. She hasn’t answered any of my calls to this day. It has been about a year, and I can’t find any more deer, I think that I have fucked them to extinction…

I can see where my wife is coming from, but I think she is being a little rude about it. AITA?