Everyone is a sandwich full of many layers of personality but that’s why life is for adding more toppings and layers and if our old bread is toxic and rotten we can change it with new bread for our new personality. That is the beauty of life. You could make the argument that you can run out of toppings but that’s why there’s other sandwiches that can help guide you on how to properly use your toppings. But there’s people who decide to live a life with rotten cheese or bread. Those are bad people. But you can help them learn to find their inner new toppings and even make their own. It just takes time because now bread in the world is done in about 5 mins. Jelly and peanut butter are the amazing experiences you learn along the way. And yes what if our universe ends with a heat death? I mean to be honest: I’m lost inside the void. As i try to catch my breath i realize I’ve lost the essence of time. I’ve been here again, i know this place, as i recall I’ve been here more than once. I tried to get out, multiple times, but it seems impossible. I’m unable , unable to move to do anything. I’m just floating into this empty space, without rule or order, meaningless existing in this enormous endless universe. And the only thing that’s left are my thoughts, these torturing thoughts that just remind of this unbearable situation,unable to help me either. It feels like a punishment not to know where to stand , where to walk or where to go. At least i can tell that i m not lost since i got nowhere to go. But this feeling again,when is it going to end? Will it actually ever end?That frightens me the most. The fact that all this struggle might be meaningless and i just have to face it and accept it. But how can someone accept this situation. How can anyone could possibly accept this fate, i don’t want to stay here forever, i got to escape this invisible prison.

**That’s how I feel. But yet again the idea that I have many layers I can change during my lifetime makes me feel better about it. So remember: It’s okay to feel like a rotten sandwich as long as you know you have room for improvement. Because everyone is a beautiful sandwich.**

Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.