# The Female Orgasm Doesn’t Exist!


At last the truth is out ! The Female Orgasm is nothing but a myth!

Recent studies have revealed that 72% OF WOMEN HAVE FAKED THEIR ORGASMS. Why do they do this? Because there is no such thing as the Female Orgasm!

When women find they are unable to have one of these ‘Orgasm’ things, they fake it, because they don’t want their partner thinking there’s something wrong. But the truth is with so many women (72%) admitting to faking theirs, it’s clear to me that the female orgasm never existed in the first place.

Why are so many women faking these orgasms? Because the liberal media, peer pressure, women’s magazines and sick-ular tee-vee shows tell these women lies! The lies that all women have orgasms! Well, we know that’s not the case if 72% of women ADMIT to faking it! And what about the other 28%? How can we be sure they’re not lying too? I’d wager a bet they are.

See, when women find they don’t have orgasms, they ‘pretend’ they do. Why?? Because they don’t want to feel inadequate. Because they think that other women get them. If these women just talked to each other, then they’d realise that none of them have ever had orgasms, and figured out it was all just a huge bunch of feminist nonsense a long time ago.

More evidence that ‘Female Orgasm is nothing but a Myth’ to follow, according to statistics, only a small percentage of women who mention about their sexual activities actually experience real orgasms. So if you end up liking this, considering fapping. It’s free, and you can always cum later.