Hello, my name is Ben Shapiro and I’m a teacher. We teach to make people smarter, not just better. Our greatest weapon is our time, and we have the time to teach you everything you need to know to be more productive in life. If you’re not ready to take the next step in life, then I ask you to keep going, and I will be your guide.

I am a man who is a teacher because I will never teach you to be a better person, but instead to make the world a better place. I believe in the power of education, and I believe in a world where everyone has access to the right information on how to be a better person, and I will always teach you the next step to take.

I want to show you exactly what the next step is. I believe what I do is very important, and it’s important for everyone. I teach people to be better people, and it’s not about me, it’s about you. So if you want to become a better person, then I need you to become a better person.

I teach people to become better in life, and it’s not about me. I believe that teaching people to become better in life is the only way to make the world a better place. I don’t care if you get a perfect grade, if what you do makes the world a better place, then I want you to do just that.

If you want to be a better person, then you have to become a better person. If you don’t want to become a better person, then you have to become a better person.

I will never make you a better person, and if you don’t want to become a better person, then I will not make you a better person. But until you become a better person, I want you to take the next step. I want you to become a better man.

Good day, and welcome to the next step.