Now, I know socialism is gaining more widespread appeal in the public discourse, but I think a lot of liberals don’t know the truth about what it really entails. First of all, the means of production are collectively owned, which means if you wanted to make, for example, a sandwich for lunch, you’d have to call together all the members of your commune, and everyone would have to take turns spreading on the mayo and tearing off little pieces of deli meat to put on so that everyone contributes equally. There’s also collective ownership of property, so you don’t get a house, and at night, everyone sleeps in one big pile in a designated area of the town. My great grandfather lived in socialist controlled Czechoslovakia, and he would often recount the long nights he spent in that uncomfortable communal bed, not sure who’s elbow was jabbing into him or who’s sweat was soaking into his standard issue pajamas (everyone had to wear pajamas with a little hammer and sickle on the front, and they were only made in one size, so they didn’t fit most people). The biggest thing people forget about socialism is the free market economy and deregulated corporate entities. Sure, socialism can sound appealing to college students, but most of them wouldn’t want to work starvation wages for some billionaire at the breadline factory. Perhaps if the populace was more educated, we could have more reasonable discussions about ideas that we know are effective (freedom, liberty, etc.) instead of entertaining these utopian fantasies that always fail in the real world.