Unpopular Opinion: Gay people are bad

It literally says in the Bible that Jesus came to this great country to get rid of Alexandria Occasionally Cortez (who by the way, if you paid attention in Geography class, murdered dozens of Aztec babies by forcing their parents to vaccinate them).

If we let Colonel Bernie “Antichrist” Sanders usurp our Lord & Savour, Donald Trump as President, he will make us switch to clean energy, and force companies to give millennials a paycheck just because they participated. First of all, I don’t want to have to look up in the sky, and see nothing but white clouds; I only know my community is putting in their fair share of hard work when I see black smoke from a coal plant in the sky, and hear my neighbor beating his wife after a 12 hour shift. Bernie is a threat to our democracy, and next thing you know, I won’t be allowed to make fun of transvestites in public, or call those snowflake elementary school children retards.

This is why Trump should cancel this year’s election, and make a law or something that forces Disney to give him the rights to Star Wars so that they stop ruining it with their feminist agenda.

tl;dr don’t shop at KFC, and Hillary for Prison 2020