
u/beszerkerlurker I don’t mean to be shitty but here’s the thing: I assume you’re overweight and that you’re not into physical exercise.

So: you only feel that walking and standing is a miserable activity because of your weight and lack of exercise. The norm is for it to be a ‘meh’ thing. It’s not a pro but it’s definitely not a con. You’re feeling like it’s an uncomfortable thing not because walking and standing is uncomfortable per se but because you are in a situation that’s affecting your day to day life (being overweight + weak muscles). What needs to be changed is not suddenly using wheelchairs, which by the way **a)** is fucking disrespectful to people who actually *need* a wheelchair to move. It’s not as pretty as you may think it is. And **b)** it’d be logistically impossible. Can you imagine a sidewalk in a big city full of wheelchairs? It’d be literally a big clump of stranded people because nobody would fit anywhere and moving in crowded places would be nearly impossible.

My point is most people with a regular weight who practice some kind of physical activity ~ once a week won’t feel like walking is a big deal or that standing is that uncomfortable. Usually it feels like nothing, unless you’re purposefully walking really long distances or something.

You have a medical situation going on. A wheelchair won’t fix it. Get help. Seriously, I don’t mean that as an insult or something. I know losing weight is not easy *at all* so getting someone who literally helps other to achieve it for a living could be very beneficial (preferably start with a board certified doctor who’s specialized in nutrition and or obesity). Take care.