Personally, I am tired of cum jokes, when I was in middle school I remember a group of classmates laughing about this “new” joke. The joke was about semen, cum, jizz, sprloog. At first, it was funny for a while, but then the joke got continuous and repetitive and it was distracting me from doing my professional school work, I couldn’t even focus on my smart algebra anymore because of the MONSTERIOUS cum jokes that have been in my head all day, I couldn’t stop thinking about cum. All I think about is cum, all day every day, 7 days a week, every month, 365 days within a year, and a decade. I couldn’t even watch Adam Sandler with his “whacky” and “hilarious” jokes about stuff. Now I’m like 27, and the cum jokes have been stuck with me through all the years, I couldn’t even function properly even since I’ve heard the new cum jokes, and especially in this day in age where all the fucking stupid ass new kids joke about fucking yo mama, joe mama, and amogus??? I can’t fucking stand it anymore. The cum jokes have been stale but that was the only thing I can understand from this horrid world. This new type of humor is just alien to me, except the cum jokes. And I can’t get it off of my mind because of how stupid and unfunny it is, but I laugh uncontrollably every time I think about it. It has ruined my life, now I’m in debt because I couldn’t even pay my bills properly with these stupid fucking cum jokes. I am so fucking tired of life in general, cum jokes were the only thing in my mind. And no matter how it makes me laugh, it has taken a toll on my mental health, Cum jokes were never fucking funny.