At that depth near the Titanic (\~3900m down) and atmospheric pressure around 370-400, they were crushed from all sides in about one TENTH of a second – this is faster than what the central nervous system sends signaling to the brain to trigger an autonomic reaction, such as when you jump to a reaction by surprise, then conscious of the event; this reaction occurs typically between three and five-hundredths of a second. …

It’s actually 0.01ms (or 10 milliseconds) speed/rate of implosion at estimated depth


0.3-0.5ms (300 – 500 milliseconds) typical human autonomic response time

Event was MUCH faster than they could have possibly registered anything traumatic being imminent…

What viewers need to do is speed up to 2x, and then watch. But, it wont be marginally close because it would be so fast, only a couple frames, and would not register on playback of the hull breach itself, only a before… and after.

I guess of the two evils.. better instantaneous than being stuck down there in the worst of stacked conditions as so many around the world tirelessly thought for 4 days.. a horrible tragedy to think..

Thank you for the video regardless, I’m seeking eagerly for the simulations of what happens at such depths.

My deep condolences to the families of those lost on Titan sub..