I believe that black lives matter. But I do not believe in Black Lives Matter. Do you really think we that stupid, George Soros? And Deray? I see you got yourself a free house and a six-figure job that we all know you’re not not qualified for. It was a concession prize. They brought you to heel, my brother.

Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton don’t represent me. They haven’t represented me as long as I can remember. Shakedown artists. Puppets of the Democrats. Content with selling out for a big piece of pie. Dancing when they say dance, for a seat at the table and they face on TV.
My grandfather believed in the American Dream. He knew that if he worked hard, stayed out of trouble, and got an education, it was possible. How come most of my brothers and sisters don’t feel that way – the pride, hope, and optimism – today? Y’all trying to tell me that racism is worse today than it was in his day? Hell no. So maybe it ain’t all about racism. It’s not perfect, but a black man still has a better chance at achieving his goals in America than anywhere else in the world, especially a majority-black country, unless he wants to be a dictator.

Sure, we got plenty of problems, many of which aren’t our fault. Our schools are crumbling. Our neighborhoods aren’t safe. We don’t have jobs. We’ve got no fathers.
But, I have a father. He taught me how to stand up straight, how to shake hands, how to respect my elders, and to follow the law. He taught me how to tie a tie, the importance of homework, hard work, and an honest job. He taught me to be responsible for my actions. That’s why I take care of my kids. But in the black community, 75% of kids don’t have dads. It ain’t the government forcing our brothers to abandon our women. It’s the community and the erosion of our culture. And it’s the fact that our sisters feel like they don’t need a man when the government giving them just enough to get by. And they just keep voting for the same people who been keeping us down. Please.

Sure, part of the problem is that many of our fathers get taken from us – by a criminal justice system that is sometimes racist, by laws that lock us up and throw away the key, and by a war on drugs that’s really just a war on you and me. But, it’s the democrats that did that. And even if you don’t believe that, then let’s just say it’s the government that did that. Not only have Hillary and Bill Clinton not done a damn thing to help us, they the ones making the problems worse for us. And we making it worse for ourselves too. Now that black folk have declared war on the police, our streets only getting worse. Just look at Baltimore.

We’ve given Democrats a chance for the last 50 years. And look at what they’ve done with Detroit. Look at what they’ve done with Chicago. Look at Milwaukee. And of course, look at Baltimore. I want something new. I want hope and optimism back. I want the American dream back.

Barack Obama hasn’t done a damn thing for people of color. The unemployment rate ain’t at 5% where I live. My brothers and sisters don’t care that the stock market is at record highs. Only people that benefit from that is the people who was already rich even after the financial crisis.

Donald Trump is racist they say. Shit, where the evidence at? Hillary Clinton was a member of an all-white country club in Arkansas when Trump was fighting to open up his golf course in West Palm Beach to blacks and Jews. Donald Trump been the only one talking the truth about the struggles in our community.

We shouldn’t expect the government to save us. But we need schools. We need infrastructure in our communities. We need economic prosperity. We need jobs. Mr. Trump has been the only person talking about our problems! I don’t want handouts but our communities are in disarray. We can walk a few blocks to our choice of fast food. But if we want fresh produce, it’s a twenty minute bus ride for most folks. And y’all talk about obesity in our communities. Please.

Hillary Clinton don’t care about us. Never has, never well. Only reason she started out working on behalf on poor children in the first place is because she failed the DC bar exam. Like my man Harry Truman said, “an honest public servant can’t become rich in politics.” How the hell the Clintons worth $100 million? What the hell Chelsea Clinton done to deserve her fancy jobs? That’s a broken and corrupt system. And I know for damn sure, Hillary got no interest in fixing it now.

What kind of leader would she be? She sent my brothers to Iraq and Afghanistan. I knew damn well then, and I know damn well know, we ain’t got no business being over there. Our problems are right here. She locked us up. She traded favors for millions in “donations” from the people who treat women like cattle and throw gays off buildings. She got into a mess with her email server, lied about it, and then lied again about the lies. That’s not someone qualified to be CEO of our country. Even as Secretary of State, all of her policies and decisions made the world worse off. So she sure as hell can’t lead. And her character? Man, I wouldnt trust her not to steal from the collection plate on Sunday. Hillary’s just downright rotten. She defended a child rapist and laughed about getting him off when she knew he was guilty. That what you want? Really y’all.

So I stand up for the National Anthem because, while things are not perfect, this is still the greatest country on Earth. And I’m proudly voting Trump, because what the hell do I have to lose?