Snap Crackle and Pop are definitely hot because they have very attractive facial features and average body types, they act a very specific way in the commercials. especially the ones in which they stop time. stopped time can only go 1 of 3 ways, number one is to kill somebody. number 2 is something sexual. number 3 is to spend it eating several kilograms of rice krispies and I believe snap crackle and pop all do one of those activities, but never saying which, leaving so much to the imagination. If they had moustaches it would appeal to a whole other generation. If you think snap crackle and pop are hot you should upvote this post and paste this everywhere you can. if we continue to observe their behaviours we notice they hang out with each other more than any other person. what do they do when they’re not on camera? well of course they kidnap people and force them to give up information on rival snack companies.