They never tell you about the back pain. They don’t tell you about the teeth neither. They told me when I retired I could do whatever I wanted, but after I broke my arm a month into my retirement vacation, the doctor told me it would never be the same again. Couldn’t believe it. On the wedding night of my third wife Margaret, my frail hands could barely get the zipper to go up on my clothes! And believe me, that wasn’t the only thing that wouldn’t go up that night! But that didn’t stop her. Ahh.. That reminds me, when I took a knee to propose to her, I had to ask a stranger to help me up after! Could hardly get his attention anyway, he was too busy on one of them smartphones, probably using AIM or Myspace or maybe that new one facebook. On top of all that he couldn’t have been more than 18 and he was wearing glasses! I reckon he spent all day on that phone, and I’ll tell you what, those things really mess with your eyesight, there was a documentary on fox news the other night. But you wouldn’t know that would you? You millennials play fork night, and CNN, and you wear man buns and you ruin the economy my generation built for you. In Korea we had to make our own way, we didn’t wait for other people to fix our problems! My grandson would never have survived what I did, this lazy generation can’t even look away from their phone! I don’t believe it, when I visited my grandson for his birthday there he was with his little handheld atari playing some game at the dinner table! Now I learned manners in sunday school when I was a kid. I wrote Clinton a letter back in ’84 telling him not to take prayer out of schools and now look where we are! God bless America. Now I can’t get my grandson to stop playing that Wild Breath game, but I decided I have no choice but to get myself one of them miniature computers so I can connect with the younger generation. He keeps going on about that counter fire offence game? Always complaining about it those smurfs? What do cartoon characters have to do with anything! Millennials will complain about the smallest things, you just need to put in a little elbow grease boy!