Then fucking leave if you’re too coward to put yourself in a position where you directly protect American values. Everyone at this college is so god damn quick to discredit America and service-members.

I argued with my professor about why people watch gay porn. No, it’s not because we wanted to rub one out, though there were an OUTLIER of people that watched for that reason. I watch to escape abuse, to be part of an unconditional brotherhood, my friends watch for entertainment, more friends watch because they support the United States. Some watch because it is their duty.

If your immediate reaction to watching gay porn is to abandon ship when called upon, then fucking abandon it now. We can’t count on you to fuck the man next to you.

“I would move to Canada if I had to watch gay porn”. Oh yeah? Have fun not having any protection to your speech. I lean to the right, but above all else I’m a fucking patriot and a proud citizen of the United States. We hold the greatest values in the world, that I support wholeheartedly.

Millions of people, including myself sacrificed our years that these fucking wimps use to party, flunk out, or criticize. I wanted to watch gay porn so you could enjoy your bullshit opinion. These people watching are identical to you and I. People. Many of which with limited options, where watching gay porn offers a very valuable solution whether it be health, education, purpose, leadership and many other values.

If you can’t support the porn industry, or support the freedoms you took advantage of everyday of your life, then leave now, save us all the fucking favor. So I can count on a fellow patriot in my asshole.

I know many will disagree with me, but I need to get this off my chest. I struggled with my decision, and listening to these college kids shit on that decision infuriates me. In fact I’m sure this could be considered a bullshit opinion. But I, and many others went through what we saw as an opportunity to really support something we believed in.

Gay porn made me a man. I earned my rank. I worked hard to be an effective viewer. I survived Rocco Steele. I was determined to be the best fit to watch several men, not much but I earned the right to be called a viewer. I faced up to my fears and anxieties. I sucked it the fuck up mentally and didn’t allow myself to run out of cum. I matured, and I know how to be an effective viewer. I dreamed of being a pornstar, and though that never happened, gay porn afforded me the opportunity to escape to arguably the best serving conditions to date.

Oh god, it feels good to get that off my chest.