In the Navy I had a shipmate that was super huge into anime and like to hot rack, we had a fucking hell of a time trying to get him to shower, we argued with our higher ups about it, medical got involved and finally when all the sprays and air fresheners just wasnt working anymore we broke the lock off his rack, stripped his sheets and pillow case and threw everything, including uniforms into a mop bucket with tide laundry detergent and filled the bucket with hot water. The water turned black, like more grey than black but such a dark grey it just boggled the mind.

They actually had to put a shower detail on this kid, we had to take turns making sure he got in the shower and turned the water on, it was so fucking ridiculous and all of this was happening during Operation Iraqi Freedom so it’s like 110 degrees. I dont think I will ever find a fouler fucker than that kid.