What kind of person literally can’t fathom a “mediocre” comic taking 4 panels to speak to something serious that happened in their life.

Do you have trouble with this kind of thing normally? Compartmentalizing emotions from moment to moment?

Like was this you in 2011

“What is famed comedic actor Jonah Hill doing in a serious movie about baseball statistics opposite Brad Pitt? Doesn’t he know this isn’t a comedy? Is this allowed?”

Is a “mediocre” comic not allowed to do this? Where a good comic could. Who appointed you line in the sand officiator and can I talk to your manager?

Idk why I’m wasting my time though. I know you don’t have any legitimate answers to any of these questions. You’re just being a twat. I have a feeling Dr Strange could look forward into 14 million timelines and there wouldn’t be a single one where you pulled your head from your ass.

Take care kiddo.