AITA for telling my parents I dropped out of university because of my fiancé?

I was studying Economics at university and while I was doing well, I hated every single second of my degree. I was in my final year and my fiancé suggested I drop out and pursue something that made me happy. I told him I couldn’t because it was expected that I finish my Economics degree and then work for my father like my older siblings. Eventually he managed to convince me leaving was the best thing for me and he was right.

Deciding to drop out of university without a concrete plan practically destroyed my relationship with my family. They barely spoke to me for 3 years and my dad cut me off overnight which was scary. The only reason our relationship is getting better is because my fiancé told my parents he was planning to propose to me.

My dad mentioned how he was surprised my fiancé had stayed with me and that his family were letting him marry me knowing I didn’t even have a degree. I brought up how it was my fiancé’s idea and now my dad thinks he ruined my life on purpose and he no longer supports our relationship which has been a huge change since my whole life he’s been pushing me towards my fiancé.

He keeps telling me to break off my engagement because I would find somebody better who wouldn’t sabotage my future and he’s been hostile towards my fiancé and his family. My fiancé said I shouldn’t have mentioned it and I could’ve just said something like he loved me because I knew how irrational my dad is. He also seems to be running out of patience for dealing with my family blaming him for me dropping out which I don’t blame him for.