This is why I started my post by telling folks like you to fuck off. It’s never enough for you pompous fools to fund the publishing of drivel. It’s never enough for you Bitching Betties to enjoy your own guilty pleasures. You just have to play the fake superiority card and claim your trash is everyone’s treasure. No one’s allowed to criticize, no one’s allowed to speak up – if other people aren’t sitting in silence obeying your whims, you need to take them down a peg and put yourself on a pedestal.

I got news for you: pretty much everyone has a guilty pleasure or three. Most of us don’t feel a need to claim our wasteful indulgences are a sign of moral superiority. And that’s the difference between you and I. That’s the bit that pisses me off, and led to me opening up with a hostile general message to folks like you.

You know what would have happened if you’d just shut up and enjoyed your manga? I would have completely forgot I ever wrote this tomorrow, everyone else would make up their minds about whether to accept or deny my opinion, and the world would have moved on. Not a damn thing would have changed. And I’m ok with that; I’m under no illusions the author’s going to pop in, read my screed and suddenly put the story on hiatus while they go do more research. I was irritated, posted about it, and that was the end of it as far as I’m concerned.

But you don’t have the courage to be comfortable in your own mind, so you had to throw a fit. And here we are.

I don’t spend much brainpower worrying about trash manga…so long as I can speak my piece. But you – censorious, fragile, overblown – you telling me to shut it? That hacks me off.