they actually did make the world in 5 months idiot all the things you have to say that are bad are so irrelevant its n ot even funny if thats all you got to say thats bad then it just proves how good nv is and how bad 4 is oh did the colors hurt ur little eyes and you dont get tetanus from color dumbass and the world is not rust colored its yellow Orange bc you know its a dessert you that dosent even make sense and you pretend my comments arent there and dont respond to them bc im schooling you you got nothing on nv you bethseda employee bitch lmao how is 4 good bc it has iron man power armour that you dont need training for and needs a non stop supply of fusion cores to use wow great upgrade bro and i hv lived in boston and falout 4 looks nothing like it so dont tell me how good fallout 4s world is lmao you little troll