Lol! well played, obvious troll. I Read your recent comments. For a “88 year old” lying shitbag, you really do say anything to try and piss people off. I commend the effort in continually being a fake dick bag. 4chan has taught you to harness the inner “ignoramus” “on this day”. Bravo troll, Bravo.
I’m assuming you had a religious upbringing but now that you are a non believer you need a sense of purpose? You attempt to anger people without repercussions via the Internet. It gives you a sense of control over the seemingly pointless life you lead. Although, I do find your dedication commendable (and this is non judgmentally serious) have you considered doing something with your life that benefits others?
Causing anger is quick and satisfying but, judging by the level of which you troll, I think you are pretty intelligent and just lacking a direction. I would recommend trying to make someone laugh and creating happiness. It’s so much harder to accomplish but much more satisfying. Love yourself, then love others, then get angry but find a way to change that into love.
Anyways, I know you won’t take my advice. You’ll probably have some angry, snarky or sarcastic comeback, that insults me in some way, to defend the the troll personality of your profile. Its cool, I understand. Just try and consider taking the higher ground when trying to give yourself purpose. It may be a steeper climb but also has better view in the end.
Wishing you the best of luck finding yourself and happiness in life.