My boyfriend is a brahmin and he’s a momma’s boy, he is terribly afraid of his sanghi mom because she have threatened him that if he will not do things accordingly of what she says, she will made him dress up in those ugly shorts mohan bhagwat wears.

Since you all know a purity of a brahmin guy is depended on whether they eat non veg Or not, in my bf case he really loves eating animals but to maintain his puirty, he doesn’t eat them on Tuesdays and put infographs of centrist political people on not to slaughter cows since cows have been scientifically proven by scientist xyz swami that they are holy form of a goddess.

Anyway, back to the question, is pussy okay to eat? My bf is heavily turned on by my popping red velvet pussy, but he’s afraid that he won’t be able to put Dharmo Rakshati Rakshitah Again in his Instagram bio to prove he’s a brahmin. Will eating pussy on Tuesday maintain his purity?