John F Kennedy’s “death” was fake and I know the truth. Kennedy and his wife knew that an assassination attempt would be held that day, and the ones who attempted it were none other than the terrorist group Al Quaeda. After Hering of this attempt by none other than the first president of the United States, that being the REAL first president, Alexander Hamilton, he was outraged. In “his” assassination footage, you can clearly see his “wife” (also a fake) climbing out through the back of the car instead of taking cover, and that the driver didn’t stop. Kennedy was so upset about this that he started sending acts of encouragement to Al Quaeda to fly a plane into the twin towers. Kennedy would be waiting below in the garage with a bomb in case the plan didn’t work. He used this as leverage to go to war against Al Quaeda, then stole the only existing time machine. After he saw that Japan would end up sending a series of nuclear missiles into America, leading to its destruction, he retaliated with the use of the time machine. He sent a nuke into Japan hitting one of it major cities, but it bumped into another nuke heading for Germany, knocking it into Nagasaki. This caused Japan to retaliate with Pearl Harbor, where Kennedy was being kept, but he managed to escape just in time. He made sure the news of the nukes were printed after Pearl Harbor as to not raise suspicion. 917383 years ago though, he figured out how to shapeshift, and ended up killing every president once they were elected, so he’s been having the actual longest term in history. The one president he couldn’t defeat however, was Obama. Obama used his Obamium to create a rocket string enough to send into Mars, giving him water as well. Kennedy sent messages back to Obama, telling him how he’s found out the secrets of the universe. He told Obama that Adam and Eve came from a planet similar to Earth, also revered by humans. They crash landed, killing all of the dinosaurs, but releasing mammals from a large cavern under the Earth, where they hid the remains of their rocket. This led to modern humans, and Obama realized how they needed to recreate this event. As the time machine was destroyed during WW2, they had to create a robot to destroy the current Earth to get people to leave. Thus they created Donald J Trump. They believed people would hate him and try to escape, but they were wrong, as some liked him. They are currently trying to nuke the oceans to cause Elon Musk, their other coworker, and the creator of Trump, to hurry up on his new CyberTruck prototype so we can drive to space, and escape this desolate Earth. Scientists predict that there have been Earths like this ever since the big band, but cannot yet prove this. This is the truth people. You must believe soon, or it may be too late. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.