Jewwy is a fowk with a waciaw cowe that is not whowwy unitawy. Nevewthewess, as a fowk, it has speciaw intwinsic chawactewistics which sepawate it fwom aww othew fowks wiving on the gwobe. Jewwy is not a wewigious community, but the wewigious bond between jews; wathew is in weawity the momentawy govewnmentaw system of the jewish fowk. The jew has nevew had a tewwitowiawwy bounded state of his own in the mannew of awyan states. Nevewthewess, his wewigious community is a weaw state, since it guawantees the pwesewvation, the incwease and the futuwe of the jewish fowk. But this is sowewy the task of the state. That the jewish state is subject to no tewwitowiaw wimitation, as is the case with awyan states, is connected with the chawactew of the jewish fowk, which is wacking in the pwoductive fowces fow the constwuction and pwesewvation of its own tewwitowiaw state.
because of the wack of pwoductive capacities of its own, the jewish fowk cannot cawwy out the constwuction of a state, viewed in a tewwitowiaw sense, but as a suppowt of its own existence it needs the wowk and cweative activities of othew nations. Thus the existence of the jew himsewf becomes a pawasiticaw one within the wives of othew fowks. Hence the uwtimate goaw of the jewish stwuggwe fow existence is the enswavement of pwoductivewy active fowks. In owdew to achieve this goaw, which in weawity has wepwesented jewwy’s stwuggwe fow existence at aww times, the jew makes use of aww weapons that awe in keeping with the whowe compwex of his chawactew. Thewefowe in domestic powitics within the individuaw nations he fights fiwst fow equaw wights and watew fow supewiow wights. The chawactewistics of cunning, intewwigence, astuteness, knavewy, dissimuwation, and so on, wooted in the chawactew of his fowkdom, sewve him as weapons theweto. They awe as much stwatagems in his waw of suwvivaw as those of othew fowks in combat. In foweign powicy, he twies to bwing nations into a state of unwest, to divewt them fwom theiw twue intewests, and to pwunge them into wecipwocaw waws, and in this way gwaduawwy wise to mastewy ovew them with the hewp of the powew of money and pwopaganda. His uwtimate goaw is the denationawisation, the pwomiscuous bastawdisation of othew fowks, the wowewing of the waciaw wevy of the highest fowks, as weww as the domination of this waciaw mishmash thwough the extiwpation of the fowkish intewwigentsia and its wepwacement by the membews of his own fowk.