Classic typed out :

rawr xd \*nuzzles hey daddy. how are you? are you going to ask how princess is? \*Notices bulge OwO whats that? xd \*pounces on bulgy wulgy and bites ferociously just kidding I would never do anything to hurt bulgy wulgy UwU nuzzles heavily can bulgy wulgy come out to play now? \*it stands to attention. We are going to have so much fun \*nuzzles UwU

UwU’d version :

\*waww xd \*nuzzwes hey daddy. how awe uwu? awe uwu going tuwu awsk how pwincess iws? \*notices buwge owo whats thawt? xd \*pounces own buwgy wuwgy awnd bites fewociouswy juwst kidding I wouwd nevew duwu anything tuwu huwt buwgy wuwgy uwu nuzzwes heaviwy cawn buwgy wuwgy come out tuwu pway now? \*it stands tuwu attention. We awe going tuwu have so much fun \*nuzzwes uwu