If we go by volume the kids get it if they max out their stomachs volume. According to google, a child’s stomach is about half a quart. A typical adult is about a full quart.

But hear me out on this. Kids are stupid and cry easily. Marines have retard strength. It will take a lot more than some crayons to make a marine puke. You can bet your ass a marine will push that stomach to its limit without puking. And even if he does he will go right back into eating to fill his now completely empty stomach back up. Kids on the other hand are weak little babies and will throw up fairly easily given enough crayons. And once they start crying about having a tummy ache they are out of commission. Out of 30 5 year olds, id say about 1/3 stop after 1 bite because its yucky. About 1/3 more will have, say half their stomachs volume and stop. 1/3 of the group are seasoned crayon eaters and MIGHT get to 3/4 and tap out without puking. Id say this would give the kids about 6.75 pints of crayons.

Marines on the other hand ate worse crap in boot camp. Stopping when their stomach is full? Fuck that why stop for something so trivial? Lets say each marine pushes it to the limit and eats an extra third. That’s about 8 pints. They will also do it with gusto and ask for seconds while the 5 year olds will have to go slow and chew their food.