Yeah yeah yeah, I know what u think I am, the typical Boomer who thinks videogames are crap and everyone who plays them is addicted and… Well, not really. The point is that my friend has been playing the exact same videogame for over up 2 years. Yeah… Other people do that too right? And it’s true, but the other people at least find something new to do or the game is at least interesting.

Fortnite is literally a repetition of the exact same thing in every single match, (And every single other battle Royale). I’m extremely bored with it, and he only repeats me to play it because he thinks is the best videogame ever. Not only that, but he also plays the exact same game mode every single time he plays: playground.

He recently bought a Nintendo switch, and I was very excited, cause he would finally switch (lol) to another game like smash or Splatoon… Well, no. He downloaded fortnite in the switch, and… Well, u guessed it. Nothing else.

I always try to make him play other videogames, like Minecraft, or fallout, or overwatch… But he always stays with fortnite. Every single day. Every single time. And I’m tired of it.

Any advice on how to make him stop?

Edit: HOLY CRAP, OK OK STOP! I don’t hate ppl who play fortnite, or basically ppl who stick to a game for a long time ok? Its FINE!

I may pointed this out wrongly.

I just want him to try new things, but he refuses to it. He’s too afraid to get out of his comfort area. I really want to play new games with him, and to make him discover new things that he may like more than fortnite. NO hate involved, I just want him to… Well, I explained it

LOL this became so controversial the mods locked it.
