It’s 3:00 in the morning, you’ve been browsing r/dankmemes for what seems like 5 hours, you’ve been tired but you didn’t want to sleep until you reached less than 60 upvotes on hot. “These memes are shit,” you say as you exit the browser and turn off your monitor to get ready to go to sleep, you walk through the hallway to go brush your teeth, when you enter your bathroom you can see something in the bathroom mirror standing behind you. You turn around at the speed of light with panic… It’s nothing… You stare speechless… “It was probably nothing,” you mutter to yourself as you reach for your tooth brush, when you look away to get the toothpaste and turn back you see it in the mirror again, not even half a second later, you feel breath on your neck, the last thing you hear… “the salami lid don’t fit.”