The number nine is not ten. The number eleven is not ten. Although the two numbers are almost ten, they can never be ten. They are UNTENABLE. You can add one to nine to make it ten, but it would no longer be nine! It would be ten! Same with eleven! When nine is nine and eleven is eleven, they are untenable! Their possessions are untenable! THEY HAVE TO GO. Numbers should therefore be as follows: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, ten, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, etc… No, they shouldn’t! Because all these numbers but one is untenable, and that’s the number ten. The only number should be ten! No more, no less! Let me give you a real world example. People are born with ten fingers. That’s because we know deep down, before we’re even born, that TEN SHOULD BE THE ONLY NUMBER. Some people are born with less than ten fingers. That’s because the fingers were untenable, and they had to go. UNTENABLE!