You could be the most anti-racism white person on the planet, and still make zero difference, because the system is already setup to make sure white people stay ahead and superior. This is why the anti-racism movement is rooted in restructuring the system and not just “-lets just kill all the racist white people”. Lucky you, that doesn’t solve anything if the whole system is fucked up, and POCs aren’t as hateful as white folks have been. When we are addressing this idea of race + power, we are referring to the fact that, in order to be racist you have to have the power to have a systematic effect. I can call you a expired jar of mayo, but will that stop you from getting every job before a person of color? Nope. Will that end the wage gap? Will you get kicked out of school for you natural hair? Will you now be stopped and frisked at random? Will you need “random” security checks at the airport? Will you be assaulted, knocked out, and have your limp body dragged off an United airlines flight? Will you be shot by a cop for existing? Nope, nope nope and nope. The answer is no. You will get your feelings hurt and then you will go on to live a white privileged life. It doesn’t work the other way around for the rest of us. Hence why “reverse racism” and the dictionary is a load of shit.