Steve from Minecraft:
✓Can hold 12 million tons with no difference in run speed or jump height.
✓Steve can punch a cubic meter of solid diamond to dust with his bare fist. In 25 seconds. This doesn’t account for otherworldly elements such as Nether or End blocks.
✓Steve can walk/jog at just over 14 ft/s, whereas the average human walk speed is just under 4.6 ft/s.

Characters from FortniteBR (let’s say Jonesy):

✓(Presumably) the heaviest weapon in Fortnite BR would be the Minigun. A real life counterpart, the M134 Minigun, weighs 85 lbs., and the Fortnite BR HUD accounts for 5 weapons, plus a Harvesting Tool (default pickaxe). An average pickaxe weighs around 2.5 lbs., for a total of around 427.5 lbs.
✓Jonesy doesn’t have any stated strength stat, but the pickaxe deals 20 damage per hit now, out of a Max Health of 100, or 1/5th of health. A diamond pickaxe in Minecraft does 5 points of damage, or 1/4th of healthnot counting any modifiers.
✓Jonesy can jog/walk at roughly the average human walk speed of just under 4.6 ft/s.

Steve annihilates Jonesy, even without weapons or tools. 

Steve JOGS more than twice as fast as Jonesy without assists, and has raw strength capable of destroying any substance (let alone flesh) within seconds. His strength allows him to lift the equivalent of 1,600 Eiffel Towers.

God forbid Steve gets a weapon or armor!