For the 3% of you reading this I hope you become successful in everything you dream of and accomplish more than you imagine. For the 99.99% of you reading this I hope you keep dreaming. For the 83% of you not reading this I hope your father gets herpes. For the 1% of you reading this I hope you can go to jail and think you’re a feminist. For the 99.99% of you reading this I hope you can go on for a lifetime until you die. This is a letter from the 99.99% to the 1% and if your parents are listening you know I don’t have anything to offer them except hope and the strength to believe in themselves. And for the 1%, I hope you stop watching the people around you and start watching yourself. You are the most important person in the world and your success or lack of success is more important than the lives of every single person you’ve ever met. That’s the reason I’m in this industry, to try and help make the lives of everyone around you a little brighter, and your success or lack of success is going to affect every single one of the people in the world.